Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Letter to Graduating Seniors

I wrote the following letter to a group of graduating seniors, I thought I would post it.

Seniors, Congratulations! I am so excited for you. I hope that you enjoy tonight and the people that are surrounding you in love, support and encouragement. I am sad that I am not there in person. However, I consider myself blessed to have been able to spend a year with you and to be able to continue to call you my friends. Recently I have been going through pictures from high school and college. This was such a sweet time for me and I hope it is for you as well. Enjoy this time as you prepare for a new phase life. Have fun. The summer between graduation and starting college was one of the best I have ever had. It was full of excitement and fun and the first time in 7 years that I didn't have a summer reading list. I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to say to you.
I thought about giving you advice for college and summer or about telling you how precious you are to me and the people around you. But I have already told you that you are a blessing and others can give you better advice about college than I can. So, rather, I decided to tell you what my pastor told my graduating class at our senior banquet. I don't know who originally said it, but Pastor Bob told graduates the same thing year after year. He said "Remember who you are and whose you are." I thought it was dumb, until I was the one being faced with inevitable change. Here is why I find this cliche encouraging.
"Remember who you are"--I find that who I am is fairly fluid. I am constantly changing, but looking back over my life reminds me of the Lord's work in and through me. I see His goodness to me and the woman He is making me into. So remembering who you are is in actuality remembering where you came from.
"Remember whose you are"--Just as I am always changing, He is always the same. I am fluid, He is solid. And as my life changes, He is my constant. It is the Lord who has a plan for my life and in the face of change, He is our comfort and provision. It says in Luke "Now suppose one of you fathers is asked by his son for a fish; he will not give him a snake instead of a fish, will he? Or if he is asked for an egg, he will not give him a scorpion, will he? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?" You are a child of God and the Father has good planned for you life...even when you feel like you are getting the snake or the scorpion. Know and rest in the fact that He is your Father.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Wishes Really Do Come True

Remember when bath and body works starting putting out the products with the blue antibacterial beads in them? I do...b/c it just made hand sanitizer more fun. And I thought, "I want to shake hands with the man who invented this." And now I have. Be jealous.

(And he is really awesome...for real)