Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Why I Hate Church Signs

The worst church signs are the ones with some stupid cutesy saying on them. My favorite-"fight truth the bible." Stupid. Well, I thought these were the worst until I was driving home yesterday. This is what the sign read-"Happy Mothers Day! Mothers are special, that's why God made sure we all got one." Harmless at first and I am all for celebrating moms, but what about those people who don't have a relationship with their moms. What about orphans or adopted children. I know what the sign means and all. I even understand that the cleverness of it is that someone had to birth us, so we all have moms. But there is an underlying meaning that says if you don't have a mom active in your life, then God didn't make sure you had one. It says that God didn't care enough to put a mom in your life. Well that is horrible theology. To imply that God isn't just as active in your life if you don't have a mom. I had to fight the urge to run into the church's office and beat everyone in the office with a bouquet of mother's day flowers, fortunately I realized that it was after 5pm so everyone was gone.
I just wish that church's would think before they advertise something to the world. We send so many messages to people, even if they aren't what we meant to and those messages can do a lot of harm.