Earlier today my family checked into a hotel. While I was carrying my stuff in, I walked into the road nonchalantly as a car was headed my way. The people in the window of the hotel looked at me like I was crazy (you probably think I'm crazy, too, because stepping into the road with little care as a car comes toward you isn't the most normal thing to do).
But I knew something that you and those hotel window people didn't know. My dad was driving the car coming my way. He knew that I was carrying things in. He knew I was in the road. And I knew, because my father was driving that car, that what I was doing was ok. Even if everyone else thought it was crazy.
That's how life can be sometimes. Everyone else thinks that what you're doing is crazy, but you know that because the Father in heaven loves you and knows you that it is ok, good and right to follow Him. People don't understand the things we do sometimes because they don't understand our Father. And that's okay, because we can move forward in confidence trusting Him.