Wednesday, June 25, 2008

J-Lo, please don't kill me...

Sorry, Jenn, I haven't written in awhile and you keep reminding me that my blog is a form of entertainment for you, so here you are.

I haven't updated the blog world in awhile about all the new stuff that is going on in my life. So I intend to use this time to do that. I'm starting to settle in to my new digs. I love my house and getting to decorate it might be my favorite activity. I'm starting to not be so afraid of the things lurking in the dark. I have two friends. I like my job and the families in the church. They are wonderful and I am really enjoying my time with them. I am currently house sitting and am in love with the dog here. Who knew I liked dogs so much? Well, I like this one at least. I am finally getting to a place where I can deal with my life as a whole and not compartmentalize so much, which I take as a good sign.

The last few weeks have been slightly (okay, overwhelmingly) tumultuous. I feel as though every difficult situation from the last ten years of my life has been resurrected in some way as well as having new situations present themselves. I went into survival mode for a bit and now it is time to deal with all of it. It has made me tired and it is difficult being in a new place for all of this, because it takes me a long time to trust people and I'm not ready to be vulnerable with people here, yet. But sometimes I just need someone to be on my side and I struggle to tell that to the people around me. In this time, though, I have seen the Lord as my peace and He has been reminding me of the gentle spirit which He has called me to have. I realized that over the last two years with so much going on and shutting down from the world, I have become really difficult with people and that is wrong. So I my goal is to be easy with people. Not a pushover, but kind, gentle, compassionate and honest. He is going to have to work in my a lot to get me there, because let's be honest I am more than a little sarcastic. But I believe that He has called me to this and will make me into the woman He wants. And that goes for my life overall, He will continue to work all that is going on to make me someone who glorifies Him more. And I look forward to that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just tried to leave a comment, and my computer freaked out. Take two.

TWO updates makes my whole evening.

AND, um...I just love you a whole, whole lot. You really are one of my favorite people in the entire world (YES, the WHOLE world). I don't even know when you got to this status in my life...given the fact that we've NEVER lived in the same place or been together for more than one day at a time or even really keep up via phone conversation often. No, really. You're my favorite.

And, for your entertainment, here is a glimpse a recent conversation I had with my favorite middle school girl:

Her: Miss Jenn! Miss Jenn!!! I need you to be praying for me because I, like, met this boy at lunch, and he like talked to me the WHOLE TIME. First, he is SO HOT. Second, he is Godly too!!!!! HE MEETS EVERY SINGLE REQUIREMENT ON MY LIST!!!!!!! Do you think he's the ONE?????????

Me: Sweetheart, if a middle school boy meets every requirement on your list for the man of your dreams, you should probably make a better list.

True story.