Monday, December 01, 2008

Sweet December

I love November and December. There is so much excitement. I mean, you have Thanksgiving, a lot of birthdays (including my own) and, then, Christmas. Plus, with all the traveling and time off I get more time to catch up with people. In the last 42 hours I have talked with four people that I never get to talk to anymore. It's fabulous. And then you have the decorating, fun music, Christmas movies and getting to wear sweaters because it is cold. It's just a good time.
I spent Thanksgiving last week with my family at a state park in SC. It was so fun. I was also able to visit one of my best friends from college and her family. It was really wonderful. I think the best part about these visits and the conversations I have had lately is that it has allowed me to talk about what I am thankful for. Day to day we deal with the mess and the problems and we talk them to death. But when I get to talk to people that I don't see everyday, I get to give them the big picture. I found that in talking about life as a whole-the challenges and the blessings-my heart softened and I was encouraged. I got to tell them how I see the Lord working both in and around me. And that is good. And that is just another reason that I like this time of year.

p.s. I am making a gingerbread house tonight and the christmas tree in my house is sweet-there are three layers of lights-at the bottom:white lights, in the middle:multi-colored lights, on top:multi-colored flashing lights---all powered by a foot switch. It is beautiful.

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