Monday, September 28, 2009

Vacation Ramblings

I'm hanging out in Raleigh, NC today. Great city and I absolutely feel like I conquered it. Ask me about my quest (and success) to find breakfast and, then, batteries. You'll be proud of me. After my nap, I really wanted to play guitar, but mine are at home. Thus, I headed to guitar center. The one here is probably my favorite of all time, chiefly because the guy who helped me is my new best friend. We talked for quite awhile. He had gauges in his ears and an awesome beard. Normally, gauges freak me out, but not on Jon. He showed me a bunch of guitars and let me play the ones that are super expensive even though he knew I wasn't going to buy one. He told me about playing a show at Murray Hill a few months ago which I thought was cool given that it is JAX and he's from Raleigh. Overall great experience.
I was a left babbling a little when he asked immediately if I wanted a guitar for playing at church. That was his first thought about my playing. I spent the next hour that I was there picking on a Taylor and wondering what about me screams "church girl." I'm not sure its necessarily a bad thing, I just don't know what his basis for it was. I wanted to ask, but I only have so much courage and I have used up all my reserves this past week. Is it something I wear (b/c non-christians were jeans, purple pullovers and pearl earrings, too)? Was it that I have a sugary sweet, 10 year old sounding voice that only speaks in pleases and thank yous and I smile a lot (b/c non-christians have manners, too)? Was it the I heart Jesus and you should too tattoo on my forehead? I'm just not sure. I didn't think that one could tell just by looking at someone, but maybe they should and maybe I should think about the presence I give b/c I have no clue what happened today. I plan to start watching people and the presence they have and maybe I will figure out what gave me away.

p.s. kidding about the tattoo

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