Tuesday, March 02, 2010

restful Monday's and the age old question

This weekend I was sick. I don't get sick very often and I have never been sick like this. It wasn't a "I'm going to vomit on you" or even a runny nose sick. It was sharp pain, please cut out my sinuses sick. I had zero energy and in general was pretty grumpy. You know its bad when a 14 yr old tells you look awful. The sad part was that it was true. Also, my house was full of teenage girls. Which overall wasn't a bad thing, b/c I got some quality time with my students. However, what I didn't get was rest on my days off. All that to say, I took Monday off. After a slow morning and lunch with a friend, me and my favorite Wilkening girls (by favorite I mean youngest) headed over to the lake to hang out on the dock. It was beautiful. We read, slept, danced and I painted a little. It's amazing what two hours of peace and a little sun can do for your soul. Check facebook for pictures. And its scenery like that that makes me thankful for Florida...which doesn't happen often.

Also, I've been thinking a lot about life lately. That's not abnormal for me, I think too much. However, I keep coming back to where is my life heading. What does God have in store for me. I see my life going in two very different directions right now. Both involve building community and aiming to love people like Christ loves, but one is in a different country and the other is here. One involves minimalism, the other "normalcy." Both terrify me, but in a good way.

1 comment:

Karen G said...

Oh now I'm curious. We so need to talk soon!