Tuesday, August 24, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog

I haven't updated in forever. I'm thinking maybe I should start back. Any thoughts? On one hand I like writing. On the other, it is a lot of energy to be witty. Input is welcome.

While I have your attention...here's a list:

1.) Read Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung. You'll be glad you did.
2.) I want a Mac
3.) Friday Night Lights is my new favorite show. Can I marry Matt Saracen please?
4.) Want to know what I'm thankful for? Well, for one, I have interesting friends. Please ask me about the phone conversation I had today or about any of friends. They are well accomplished and talented. When people speak poorly of 20-somethings...I wonder who they are talking about, because the ones I know are kicking butt and taking names all while loving others really well.
5.) Lists are fun.


melaina said...

The college small group Jason and i lead went through Just Do Something last semester. Jason put together Bible studies based off the chapters, and our students really loved it. It is a great book!

And you shouldn't feel pressured to be witty. You always are without even trying.

Karen G said...

I vote to blog. :) I also agree with Melaina - the wit seems to come naturally for you.