Monday, February 07, 2011


Yesterday was the longest day ever. I was tired from being out too late the night before (apparently midnight is too late for me...I'm getting old) and I had a full day-Sunday School, big church, senior accountability group, sophomore accountability group, service project, middle school youth group and super bowl party. By the end of the day, I was toast.

Between accountability groups (I had about 20 minutes), I was really frustrated with my day. I just wanted to take a nap and I was pretty grumpy about it all. I was driving at the time, the sun was shining and I was listening to good music (my friend Tyler, get his stuff,, its worth the $15 bucks I promise). Suddenly, I was struck with a deep feeling of contentment, because I was tired from being out late with friends the night before. People that I enjoy and learn from and have fun with. When did that start happening? How beautiful. And I was frustrated with sharing "my" time with students in ministry. How silly? The day was a delight and, yes, I was exhausted at the end of it, but how lovely to be able to do what God made me to do and in this context.

Seriously, I am grateful.

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