Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Was that on Purpose?

   You know what is really fun? Concerts. Love them. A few nights ago I went to a Ben Rector concert. So good and so entertaining. For the love, check him out. And go see him live, its a good show.

   Ben is super fun to watch and does a good job at getting the crowd involved (even me who hates being told what to do...sometimes I don't want to clap, so stop being so pushy...know what I mean?). Something happened that was really interesting to me. Now I don't know Ben, I'm sure he's a cool dude and I certainly don't know his intentions with this move, but he got everyone to sing along with the lyric "and you don't need Jesus until you're here." The context of the line is that we realize how needy we are when our hearts are breaking. I was just so intrigued by the fact that he got a whole room full of people (certainly not all of them believers) to sing Jesus's name and a need of him when they hurt. He put Jesus's name in our mouths. There were a lot of folks there and, more than likely, buddy had the rest of the audiences on his tour sing the same thing. That's a lot of people singing about Jesus.
   Now, I'm not saying that it was worship. I am hoping and praying that those words, put in peoples' mouths, cause thought. Or that when folks are in that place of crisis and hurt, they remember the words they sang along that night.
   Regardless, it was a fascinating thing. And beautiful.

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