Thursday, June 07, 2007

I Need a Job

So I've been trying to figure out what is next for me. What is this plan that the Lord has for me? I don't know yet. I have some options, some really exciting ones. And I have been thinking lately that this plan that God has for me is a lot less about an actual geographic destination and much more about the place of my heart, of who I am. Maybe it is not just a "job" or a "location", but about the woman He is making me into. I like this idea. I like it because it takes so much pressure off "making the right decision" and on just following Jesus. On making a decision that is trusting Him. I like the idea of growing and maturing and that not being solely contingent on my vocation. And it makes more sense, at least I think so. God uses our vocation for our growth and to serve Him, but it is merely a tool, not the chief agent in our lives. Sometimes it is hard for me to remember this because I am in vocational ministry. I slip into this pattern of thinking that if I am not doing "ministry" then I am not serving or learning or growing. That is just not the case. Anything anyone does in His name is ministry and worship. What if we really believed this and really lived this out? How exciting it would be. It would relieve a lot of anxiety that people my age have. We would be less career focused and more Christ focused. Our faith would not be based on our financial or career success, but on Jesus and His work.
I find that I as I remind myself of these truths and the Spirit works to apply them to my life, I am much less anxious about my future. As I look at who God is making me, rather than the number of options in front of me I am much more certain that He is working in my life. I become more hopeful and calm. There are things I am thankful for and as I continue to wonder what is next I know that I can trust that He has an end point in mind for who I am and that He has planned all the steps in between here and there.


mbh said...

Hey SD. I appreciate this post since I am currently unemployed and trying to find what it is I am doing next well also keeping in mind that I just need to be pursuing Christ and's really that simple/impossible.

mbh said...

When I said "well" I meant "while"