Thursday, December 04, 2008

Show me that smile again...

I was thinking last night as I drove past some pretty tacky Christmas lights (oh the joy) that there are some pretty random things in this world that make me ridiculously happy. They are silly to be honest, but I enjoy them tremendously and they make me really thankful. I thought I would share them. Any insight on why stupid, meaningless things bring such delight to us is welcome. The only thought I have is that God loves us. Here is my list:

1.) Tacky Christmas lights
2.) The Growing Pains theme song (Show me that smile me that smile)
3.) Waffle-knit fabric
4.) Open windows (in your car or at home)
5.) Playing monopoly next to a lit Christmas tree

...there are more, but this is enough for now...later

1 comment:

Sarah said...

So glad I stumbled upon your blog.
Good list.
My dad has always always refused to have crazy, colored lights on our house. "Hot-dog stand lights," he calls them.
But someday, when I have my own house, I'll have strands and strands of vibrant colored lights because they make me so so happy, too.