Friday, November 06, 2009

Know Any Lizard Catchers?

There's a lizard in my house. I hate lizards. They're disgusting (well, the wild ones ones are cute). It's just sitting by the sliding glass door. I was going to open the door and scurry it on out, but it's sitting next to the lock and he'll just move and go away and I will be able to hear him in walls as I sleep.
So this is what I have learned...I have to get married. Right now. I am shrinking my long list of husband requirements down to one: keep lizards out of my house. That's all I need.*^ So first man at my door with a ring and proof he can keep out lizards is the winner.
Please hurry.

*ok, you need to love Jesus
^and take out the trash

1 comment:

melaina said...

One night i was up studying and Jason had gone to bed when i heard a gecko fall from a book on our bookshelf. i freaked out and woke Jason up, telling him to get rid of it. Unfortunately, the gecko ran behind the books and Jason was too tired to empty our entire bookshelf to get it out. i told him it would freak me out to leave it, but he said it wouldn't hurt anything.

Later that night, i had a nightmare that a lizard was coming to get me and had crawled in bed with me. i woke myself and Jason up thrashing the covers and freaking out. Then i blamed my nightmare on him not getting the gecko out earlier.

That'll teach him.