Sunday, January 09, 2011

Introverts Unite

A few weeks ago I was in Target. As I was checking out, the Target lady asked why I was buying approximately 1,200 lbs of Christmas Cookies. I told her I worked with Jhi and SHi girls and they like sugar (most times I hate talking to people in these situations, so I give as little information as possible as to avoid follow up questions). She asked if I was a teacher, which is a common assumption when I give my preconceived answer. I told her that I worked at a church and when she kept inquiring we found out that we go to the same church. The following Sunday I sat with her. She is delightful and my new friend. I met her husband today and they are the sweetest couple. They are probably in their 60's and I really am so thankful for them. Today as we were walking out of service, Jeanne and I were discussing that we are both introverted, but in jobs where we have to talk to people a lot. Also, out jobs give us unconventional hours. We decided to get coffee soon. I'm so looking forward to it.

This has to be what a fellowship of believers looks like. How exciting to find a friend in the most random of places and know that God ordains all interactions. I feel so blessed that she wants to spend time with me and encourage me, especially in a season of life where I have transitioned and am far from all the older women who pour into my life. I am very grateful for a community of believers that seek one another out. There is a deep sweetness to that. I love the church.

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