Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Things Half Grown Straight Men Shouldn't Say

This is going to become a regular series on the blog that I never write on, because I hear half grown men (ages 22-35) say the most unexpected things. Come on, dudes, how do you want people to respond to this? How? Unbelievable, yet so entertaining. Please enjoy.

(we'll keep these little treats anonymous, unless you ask, in which case, I'll be more than happy to throw someone under the bus)

-The other day I caught myself shopping online for shoes.

-Hey girls...I really want to watch a good movie. How about Snow White and the Huntsmen?

-Do you ever walk into your closet and realize that you hate every piece of clothing you own?

-I'm leaving the office soon. I'll probably go buy a shirt...or look at guns.

-Sara, when are we going to watch Breaking Dawn? How about tonight?

-Can I wear fish net stalkings to that?

-I just can't be in the office right now...I'm going to run to SteinMart.

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