Monday, September 23, 2013


  During college I worked for a super fun ministry and one weekend we were in the mountains. After our Friday night meeting some of the host moms were gushing over the worship leader/speaker. And I get it, he was really handsome and loved the Lord and the music was really worshipful and he talked about Jesus. But these ladies just kept going on and on about how great he was and they kept talking about how he is a great example of a man who loves Jesus. (For the record, he was really great and I don't want the rest of the story to say that he isn't...this isn't about his character).
  Well here's the thing. Right after he finished speaking, he went to one of the other girl leaders and confessed that the whole time he really had to poop. Yeah, I said that (sorry mom). He had to go to the bathroom and he was really gassy. So although he loved the Lord, the urgency and passion that came across during worship and the teaching was much more practical than spiritual.
  I've thought about this story for many years. Chiefly because I think it is hilarious, but also because it reveals a lot about our lives. Sometimes what comes across on the outside, has a totally different origin than we would imagine. Sometimes we are full of emotional, mental and spiritual connection and sometimes we are completely distracted. The perception of us and the reality of us can be worlds apart.

 But we choose.

We have a choice in how to worship and how to glorify the Lord at any given moment.

  Isn't it interesting what perceptions are tied to? The surface layer and assumptions, but there is so much more. And God calls for all of it. And Jesus fills the gap between us and that demand because we can't do it. In that is where the freedom from perception is found. It's because of that grace that my friend could lead us in worship while his body demanded something else (hehehe...its funny, okay), causing his heart and mind to be somewhere else.
  I'm thankful for that grace, because I get distracted. My head and heart can be all over the place sometimes and Jesus says in those moments, "I love you, be still." He still longs for my obedience because he loves me, but my standing before him is no longer tied to that. He is for me.
   And people's perceptions, well they are what they are and we trust the Lord for that, too.

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