Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dear Melaina

Dear Melaina (and Karen),

You are the only person who reads my blog, so to you I apologize for all the grammatical errors in my posts. I reread a few old posts today and they are quite difficult. Generally, I am a bit of a grammar Nazi, however, when I write on here I never proofread and I write like I think. This usually means that I end up meshing two sentences in my head and the product causes me to use the wrong words at the wrong time. I will try to do better.

You are a sweet friend and a significantly more dedicated (and, thus, more successful) blogger than I.

With much love,



Karen G said...

Dude. I read your blog too.

melaina said...

Oooo, you got burned by Karen.

ps- this blog post made me laugh out loud, and then i forced Jason to hear it while i read it and laughed out loud again.

pps- i like your posts just as they are. They sound like you talking, and it reminds me of you.

Unknown said...


so sorry Karen.

and thanks for the encouragement...one day I will learn to proofread, but after 27 years of not, it could take awhile.