Thursday, March 07, 2013

A little tune

 I heard there was a secret chord, that David played and it pleased the Lord
                                                                           --Leonard Cohen, Hallelujah

     Have you ever noticed that no one asks the question "do you like music"? We ask if someone likes sports or reading or mexican food, but no one asks if you're interested in music. Rather, you ask what type of music someone likes. There is an assumption in that question. People like music. We all do. There is a strange tie between our beings and melodies and harmonies. Our souls need music.

     Last week I was reading 1 Samuel and we see that when David plays the lyre, the evil spirit tormenting Saul goes away. I think we can relate to that. We've all had an experience when we are tired, weary and tormented by our lives and music helps to soothe what ails us. From hymns to Otis Redding to bluegrass, there is always some song that can get through when nothing else can.

    Isn't it beautiful that in a world of tangible and materialism, there is proof of the invisible God through His provision of music?  And he has made it for everyone. It is one of the few things in life that spans all cultures, generations, time periods. He has made music not only fun and enjoyable, but medicinal. It brought relief to Saul, to crying children needing a lullaby and to my heart last week. And in that relief, music reproduces. One goes from listening, to singing. From taking in the joys of sound to making sound. Music is unique not just in being universal, but in its very nature. It moves. From one person to the next, making an impact on each person. It regenerates itself all while helping to strengthen spirits.

    To me, music is one of the most mysterious things. It is extravagant, but so normal. It is overlooked, but powerful. It's magic.


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