Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Lists make the World Go Round

    Life is more than challenging as of late. When that happens, I like to list things that make me happy during the day.

1. Flannel
2. My Palmetto flag flip flops
3. Talking with the barista at a local coffee shop (he almost went to Georgia...back in the 80's...when it was     REALLY a party school..according to him)
4. eating dinner outside (ok...that was yesterday, but it was great)
5. friends who take time to listen even when they have way more going on than I do
6. Phone calls from college roommates
7. naps
8. typing up curriculum I wrote 2 years ago
9. wearing my reading glasses (I pretend I don't like wearing them, but I do)
10. shampoo that makes my hair smell good (oooohhh, it smells like mint)

that is all.

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