Tuesday, March 05, 2013

When I wake up in the morning...

     29 is not old. It just isn't. But my students say things sometimes and I am really blown away by the fact that I've been on this world significantly longer than they have. Let me give you an example.

While driving four kids home from a retreat, one guy says:
   Hey Sara...did you know that the chick from White Collar was in Saved by the Bell? Have you ever seen Saved by the Bell?

Oh my. Let me tell you something, whipper snapper, I grew up on three things: green beans, Kentucky basketball and Saved by the Bell. I owned the board game for heaven's sake. When TBS had an all night Saved by the Bell marathon, I watched the whole thing. People my age, we learned that taking caffeine pills was bad thanks to Jesse Spano. I've been scared of those things since I was 11. I won't even partake in energy drinks because I fear that the evening will end up with me singing "I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I'm so, so scared." In the same way that I had a massive crush on Zack Morris, every dude my age had a huge crush on Kelly Kapowski aka that chick from White Collar. So, buddy, get an education and never talk about my childhood staples as if they are ancient greek. I will fight you the way Screech fought Zack for Lisa's love.

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