Thursday, February 06, 2014

I'm Weird, You're Chivalrous

   So if you've had to spend even a nano second with me, you know that I can be a little socially awkward. Not like spits when I talk awkward, but just a little uncomfortable. Hey, I'm cool with it. Let's just pretend it's cute (it's not). Today I ate lunch at Barberitos (Barberitos>Chipotle>Moes>Qdoba just so we are all on the same page). Who knew that Cary got such a cool place that is from the great city of Athens, GA? I digress. I'm walking towards the door on my way in and in front of me are three men about my age-ish. The last one holds the door open for me. I say thank you and flash a southern smile, because I'm grateful and appreciate the effort and awareness that went into that gesture. Now here's where it gets dicey. As we go to get in line, I assume that he will go around me to where his two friends are standing. That to me would be expected. Be with your friends. BUT HE DOESN'T. Is this man really so kind and chivalrous that he will stand behind me in line? And so I don't know what to do. I make ample room for him to walk by me, but he holds his ground. I want to say, "hey, friend, thanks for being kind, but really go hang with your buddies" but I don't because I don't want to reject his kindness. It was weird and uncomfortable and I had no idea what to do. As we moved through the line ordering our food (me a vegetarian burrito, him the largest nachos I've ever seen in my whole life) we said a few words to each other. He talked to his friends a bit. Maybe he wasn't uncomfortable at all. Eventually, I just embraced it and moved on. It was kind and I really was so thankful that he considered me.

So, friends and readers, what was the right thing to do? Fellas-I'm especially interested in what you have to say. Was I selfish and ridiculous for not offering to let him join his friends or is it better to simply accept the offer?

Regardless, thank you kind sir at Barberitos today for how you treated me. It did not go unnoticed and it was much appreciated. I'm so sorry for not knowing how to handle these situations well.

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