Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Bachelor and Storytelling

     I watch the Bachelor. It's fun and entertaining and fascinating. I also get lots of flack for watching the Bachelor. It's trashy, sinful, negatively influences society, etc, etc.We're not going to debate the pros and cons of television and entertainment right now, but I do want to talk about the beautiful glimpses of humanity. About the times when someone's story, and honesty, are a simple part of fighting for Truth and, therefore, Kingdom work.

     In a world full of lies and chaos, its beautiful and refreshing to hear the truth. To hear someone's story. Stories are powerful. God tells stories. Through Scripture and through his people. Sometimes its hard to see our own lives as a beautiful piece of art (Gal 1:10) because we are living them, but when someone else tells their story, the one that God is writing, we are reminded that God is always at work. He's writing, weaving and speaking a story. But its not our story at all, its HIS story that he writes us into. And when we tell our piece of the story, others are reminded that there is a bigger story going on.

    So former bachelor, Sean Lowe, shares his story (lots of folks share their story on and its wonderful). He talks about failure, reality tv, his family...all things that Lord has written in his story. And I love that he talks about doubt. At one point he talks about how he wrestled with whether he was doing what the Lord wanted or not. And I appreciate that, because a lot of people (myself included) wrestle with that.

    Head over to iamsecond to watch a few of the videos and tell your story. And listen to others' stories-the guy at the grocery store, the lady making your coffee, your parents and friends. All those stories matter because they make up this one grand story that's all about Jesus.

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