Thursday, April 12, 2007

why I love Austin

Why do I love Austin? Well, right now I am sitting at my favorite coffee shop. It is 10:15 and I am sitting on the deck at Mozart's overlooking Lake Travis. It finally feels like spring (don't worry, in the last week we have hit three one city can go from 95 degrees to ice to spring is beyond my understanding). It's gorgeous. Life feels slower and somehow more manageable. Granted, this is only a feeling and I know that I am no more in control of things than I was an hour ago sitting in my office, but none the less it feels good. It feels like being content and I have been finding these times in increasing measure over the last couple of months.

Now, I know that these moments have nothing to do with Austin. They are most definitely from the Lord and I acknowledge that wholeheartedly. But I think that Austin is representative of a lot. It represents this part of me that ventured out and is trying life anew. It represents this part of me that has been through a tough year and is by the grace of God making it through. It has been here that I have become okay with being weak and truly needing people and the Lord. I am thankful for these things, even though the process has been pretty awful. I am growing and I don't think I will really see the growth until I have moved from this part of my life.

I love mornings like these because they are literally and methaphorically a breath of fresh air.