Friday, September 02, 2011

Sweet Day

--apparently I forgot to hit publish when I wrote this a few weeks ago...lo siento for posting twice in 32.2 seconds--

Truth be told, it takes me a long to time to feel comfortable with people. In fact, there are really only a handful of people that I feel like myself around. It's been one of the more difficult parts of moving and a big obstacle in ministry. So when there are people that I feel (there's a difference between how I feel and what is true...most people I should feel comfortable around, but I'm an odd character sometimes) this way with, my soul relishes the peace. Today was one of those days.

A friend of mine from growing up moved nearby and I spent the day with her family. What a joy it is to see how God has worked in her life and made her a wife and mom. Her family is precious (and I don't mean cute, although they are, I mean rare and extremely valuable). They, very graciously I might add, allowed me to spend they day with them. And how my soul is singing hallelujah today.

It reminds me that God is constantly gracious to us. Every time I have a need, He meets it. It doesn't usually look the way that I expect or want, but He meets it.

Oh Glory

  Well, no more waiting. Summer is over and life is in full swing. I am thankful for all of it. The Lord is teaching me so much and helping me settle into life. I hope to be here for quite some time and, so it's new and exciting to think about long term relationships with the people around me. And it's got me thinking about the way that I view life and God and restoration. I think I've had it wrong for awhile in that I want everything to be better now. It's not better. We are no farther forward than anyone in history. In some ways we see God's grace and restoration and in other ways our sin is overwhelming. And that's the cycle, at least until we reach glorification. See I mistakenly believe that, this side of heaven, if we all do what is "right" then we won't have any more problems or issues. That's not the case. This world is broken. And God is at work restoring things, but that doesn't look like people never getting upset with me ever again. It doesn't mean that I can spin myself in circles so that I never offend or hurt anyone. 

I really struggle with this tension. Perfection comes in glory, not before, but I long for it now. I long not to hurt anyone or be hurt, but that comes with sinful people. So how does restoration work now? I think it looks like grace...and forgiveness. It looks like growing in love and faith.

What do you think? How do we walk the balance of hoping for glory, but living in a fallen world?