Friday, September 19, 2014

In This is Love

    1 John has been one of my favorite books in the past decade of life, so it is much to my delight to be studying it in my small group.

    The book continually  talks about love. About following God's commands. Sin and sanctification. And the steady beat of the Holy Spirit's work. It is beautiful and challenging. Chapter 4 has always been a favorite of mine. It gets real clear about distinguishing what love looks like.  But looking at chapter 2, it's the same idea. John keeps talking about the way we do things versus the way God does them (specifically loving). He tells us to walk in the light and obey God's commandments. To obey the old commandment, but also that it is a new commandment. No longer do we love people as ourselves, but to love them like Jesus. John continues to point out our brokenness and need to rely on the Holy Spirit by differentiating between how we love things and how God loves things.

    Loving others in the way that Jesus loves, well that's a little overwhelming because the way we love is broken. Even as redeemed people, my sin makes my love, aside from Jesus, broken. I love based on what is good for me. I love those who are easy to love-those who love me first. But God doesn't love that way. He initiates. Because of His character-his kindness, goodness, mercy and truth. He loves based on need. He, sacrificially, moves towards brokenness and neediness to bring restoration through His love.

     And he commands me to do the same. Sometimes His commands feel a little like what I think drowning would be like-confusing and helpless and overwhelming. That's because I fail at them and enjoy my sin. It's not that His commands are bad, its that my heart is. But His commands aren't meant to strangle us, they are meant to give life. There is a goodness to the commands He gives. A life of obedience is better. Instead of being selfish, I GET to love. Rather than being fearful, I GET to live free. It's not self protection that rules my relationships, but I GET to move towards others unashamed. Indeed, it is better to live in the light than in the darkness. His commands aren't burdensome, because obedience is sweet. He designed it that way. As we are drawn by His love to obey His commands more and more, we come to love the command Giver more and more.

  To me, this is what 1 John encompasses: learning to live in a better way. Walking in obedience to a loving God as He sanctifies us and changes our heart. It's about coming to understand how sanctification works and trusting the Spirit to be at work in our lives as we fall short of obedience yet long to follow God's commands. It helps with the in between parts of life. With the practicalities of life by showing us the bigger picture, the philosophy and, ultimately, the theology.

For are some pictures. You're welcome.
Just the five of us.

St Augustine Shenanigans
lakeside summer bonfire

oh happy day with some of my very favorites

teaching the coworkers how to take a selfie

Lastly, if you aren't following my dear friend/sister, Karen's, adventures abroad...well, then, I just don't understand you as a human being