Monday, February 07, 2011


Yesterday was the longest day ever. I was tired from being out too late the night before (apparently midnight is too late for me...I'm getting old) and I had a full day-Sunday School, big church, senior accountability group, sophomore accountability group, service project, middle school youth group and super bowl party. By the end of the day, I was toast.

Between accountability groups (I had about 20 minutes), I was really frustrated with my day. I just wanted to take a nap and I was pretty grumpy about it all. I was driving at the time, the sun was shining and I was listening to good music (my friend Tyler, get his stuff,, its worth the $15 bucks I promise). Suddenly, I was struck with a deep feeling of contentment, because I was tired from being out late with friends the night before. People that I enjoy and learn from and have fun with. When did that start happening? How beautiful. And I was frustrated with sharing "my" time with students in ministry. How silly? The day was a delight and, yes, I was exhausted at the end of it, but how lovely to be able to do what God made me to do and in this context.

Seriously, I am grateful.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

We're not friends anymore...but seriously, we're not

There are a few things in life that I think are just absurd. One of those is excessive amounts of facebook friends. Let's be honest, you don't actually care about your 2,400 "friends" cyber lives. Honestly, I judge you if you have more than 1,000. Statistically, one can only keep up with 150 people at a time, so I allow for 850 superfluous relationships. That's plenty. Anymore than that and we all know everything we need to know about you.
So, anytime I start to approach the dreaded 1,000 mark, I immediately decide to declutter my FB life and defriend as many people as I can. At first I was worried that this would hurt people's feelings, but chances are the defriendee hasn't interacted with me in at least 3.5 years when we decided to take the plunge and be buddies in the first place.
Today, I will begin this defriending process and, frankly, I'm looking forward to a little less newsfeed clutter. See you on FB (or maybe not...)

ps-you may or may not get immediately unfriended if you put up pictures of your ultrasound. Seeing a fetus in the womb is just FB inappropriate.