Saturday, January 12, 2008

Life Lessons

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of going to a middle school girl's basketball game. Maybe pleasure isn't the correct word, because I left feeling quite a bit of anxiety over the parent's "cheering" and the awkwardness that surrounding the whole event, but I found that life is a lot like the game that I watched. You see these sweet girls were really awkward. Their skill was very basic (excluding one of the players). Life is much the same. I feel like 98% of the time I am just running around awkwardly trying to act as though I know what I am doing and then there is that one person who far too advanced for the game I am playing. And even when I do manage to make a shot, it was purely an act of luck. But through all of the uncomfortableness there was a beauty. These sweet girls just trying to figure it all out. The teamwork and comradery that comes from a journey. The joy of working hard and finally getting something right. The humor in the process of trying to get something right. Focusing on the task in front of you and rising above the awful comments being yelled down at you. These are the things that these girls were sharing in and the things that you and I share in everyday.

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