Saturday, August 16, 2008

Another Olympics-themed Blog

I will admit it, I am addicted to the Olympics. I plan my time around swimming, gymnastics, basketball (Tayshaun Prince...what what!!!) and, yes, even badminton. I have a problem, really I do. But that isn't what this is about. Two nights ago I had the women's all round gymnastics finals on. I was also reading Proverbs. I was in chapter 8 where wisdom is talking. So first I hear the announcers on the TV talking about how these girls have been working so hard for gold and silver. How their lives have been devoted to this struggle and fight for accomplishing their goals of getting gold, or settling for silver. And the I read, "take my instruction instead of silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold...I love those who love me and those who seek me diligently find me, riches and honor are with me, enduring wealth and righteousness, my fruit is better than gold, even fine gold, and my yield than choice silver..." I know that the bible is referencing gold and silver as in money or possessions, but can't a connection be made to the gold and silver medals that these girls are seeking out so passionately? And so I am thinking that we should be seeking wisdom diligently, working even harder than these athletes seeking silver and gold, because in the end the fruit of wisdom is better than any accolade, more valuable than any possession or accomplishment. And that makes sense. Wisdom affects our lives at every moment in every way, because wisdom or a lack their of is what characterizes our decision making. I think that is why the rest of the Proverb talks about how wisdom was present with God at creation, because wisdom helps us make choices...the best choices.
A couple of years ago I started in this pursuit of wisdom. I was praying for it and listening and learning. Then life got messy and I opted for survival, rather than wisdom. And now that I am awakening to life again, I see the necessity for wisdom in our lives-my own, the girls that I am ministering to, and everyone else, too. So often even we are not doing anything "wrong," we are not doing anything right either. That is why wisdom is so important, because it allows us to live the best life, the life intended for us. A life of abundance and worship. One that loves the Lord and loves others in a real, authentic and intense way. Wisdom gives us the ability to rest, give thanks, and be courageous. This is the kind of life that is worth more than gold and silver. One that is done with wisdom.

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