Saturday, August 23, 2008

My story starts with...

My favorite blog is Stuffchristianslike. I read it almost everyday. In general it is appealing because it makes fun of the silliness of christian culture. The greatest part is that it is all true. It is what I like to call an "of course" type of humor (i.e. "Of course" the music minister gave his wife the solo even though she can't sing and so and so has a much better voice). Sometimes though I am just introduced to new ideas that are challenging. Yesterday I watched a video that the blogger put up and it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I teared up a little and that's a big deal for me. After watching the video I began fervently seeking out its companions and found two more of similar nature. Go to youtube and search for Belief It's Personal. They are the three intro videos.

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